Swim Park

About a month ago went to an indoor swim park in Rockford with our friend's, the Bridge family. We had so much fun.
It's great that Jack is getting older and can play with Ainsley more now. And in a few months, Avery and Henry will be able to join them!
Andrew had a blast showing his little bro everything and playing with him in the water, Daddy joined in too!

Let's Play Catch up!

This has been one crazy, busy winter. With being off 12 weeks for maternity leave, you would think I would all the time in the world. Well, think again! I do want to apologize for not updating our blog since Henry has been born. With the holidays, kids sickness and enjoying my time off with my boys - it's been hectic! So I am finally getting back on track. Here are some pics.

Jack holding his baby brother Hankie (that is what he calls him!)

Henry at 2 months old

He has the sweetest smile

Jack playing with his toys - he is really hard to take pics of right now!

the boys

Jack and Andrew snuggling

Henry at 3 months

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