Congrats Dan and Chrissy!

Last week my cousin Danny married his long time girlfriend, Chrissy, of 8 years! The wedding was beautiful.
What was really awesome, is that they hired my brother, Brian, to be their photographer. This is my third time to see him in action - he does an amazing job each time!
Along with my brother, his kids came along too - it was great seeing them! I miss my niece and nephew a lot.
My cousin Stephanie (Danny's sister) also flew in for the festivities with her 2 girls and husband.
It was a great family weekend!

Andrew looking good in his tie!

Mariah and Grandma smiling for the camera

Josh, Tyler, Jared and Chris having a good time.

Andrew and Brenden - what's with the blank face?!

The server served Josh 3 desserts!

Pretty girls: Mariah, Halee, me, and Danielle

Stephanie and I - hot blondes!

Josh, Jared and Brian having a good time

Emma and I - she was so cute in her flower girl dress!

Sexy Ladies - my mom and her sisters: Kathryn, mom, Margy and Karleen

Jared and Brian huggin' it up

Mariah with her Dad


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