Jack is a monster! Size and personality.
Last week I took Jack in for his 9 month check up. He was definitely more aware of the doctor this time around. Not so sure if he can trust him or not. As long as Mom was right next to him, he was fine. After a few moments and giggles he finally warmed up.
Overall, his stats are great: 23.7 lbs and 30 inches long. He a dropped a little in the percent tile with his weight from the 90's to 88% percent. But still doing strong with his height - 94% taller than the boys his age.
Doctor says he is right on track and his eating habits are good. Jack loves food, so I don't think we'll have a problem with that!
Now, personality talk! In the last few days, Jack's personality has changed. I am not sure if its for the best. He more of a temper than ever - throwing his head back at the exact moment he doesn't get his way. I know we have our hands full with this boy. But on a brighter side, he is jabbering more than ever. He is not a quiet child at all. Talking and pointing to things thinking we can understand him.
He is truly a joy and adds excitement to our life every day!
Labels: Jack
Many of know, I have had long hair almost my entire life. Well, I decided I need some change. I cut my hair!!! And I cut 10 inches off!!! Since it was 10 inches, I was able to donate my hair to Locks of Love.
Tell me what you think: Do you like it or hate it?
Labels: Stacia
Earlier this month we got together with our friends Jenni and Craig and their little girl Tayla and Carin and Dustin with their little boy Cole for pizza.
It was a great time to get out and enjoy some interaction and great food (World Famous Pizza - yummy!)
Jack and Tayla playing together
Cutie Cole!
Tayla enjoying a snack with her baby girl
Andrew and Jack snuggling it up on the couch
Well, the groundhog saw his shadow again! I think I overhead on the news that the groundhog has not seen his shadow a handful of times - oh well, another 6 weeks of winter!
So we have been keeping busy. Here are some pics of what has been going on "around the house".
I introduced Jack to graham crackers this month - and oh my! does he love them.
Here are some pics of him stuffing his face with them!
And thanks to my friend Alison who made his adorable hat!!!
Andrew got the Wii Fit this month for his Wii. Here he is doing some sort of balancing act on it. It's really cool - we really enjoy playing it together as a family.
One day I was sitting in the chair and pushed Jack closer to the window so he could see out. He soon discovered the curtain and started playing "Where's the baby?" One of his favorite games!
Where's the Baby?
There he is!
Jack showing his teeth off - he now has 6 total (2 on the top and 4 on the bottom)!