We have been hibernating...

We have had one crazy winter this year (so far - it's not over yet). Last I heard, we already surpassed 2 feet of snow total and that was around New Years. We had some nice warm weather that melted everything, but than came another storm that dropped a lot of snow on us. Than came the frigid cold weather - we had wind chills of 40 below zero. I went to work one morning and it was 16 below zero (regular temp). I think this weather is suppose to be for Alaska!
So - we have been hibernating in our nice warm home for the past month. Playing games, watching movies and the boys having fun playing their video games.
Here are some fun pics of the boys. They are going too fast!

I love taking close ups of his chubby cheeks.

But Mama, I want some more food.

Kisses xoxoxo

Bros having fun

I love this picture

In this pic - it seems like Jack is talking with his imaginary friend.

Snuggling it up with Daddy

1 Comment:

  1. Cortney said...
    Love the pictures! The pic of Jack puckering up is so cute!

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