California Trip - Part 3

Our trip continues with a trip to the San Diego Zoo. I haven't been in probably 20 years! It was when the pandas first arrived. We couldn't ask for a more gorgeous day. We than headed downtown to the Gas Lamp District for some lunch and ice cream.
To be continued…

Make sure you look closely, the Mother Koala has a baby on her back.

The funny Meerkats

Jack loved watching them. He couldn't get enough!

Hanging out with Daddy

Gorgeous Jaguar prancing up and down the front of his exhibit. It was really cool. The mountain lion was walking around as well and came right up to his fence too.

Thank you, thank you very much! Trying out some fun stuff in the gift shop.

Saw the pandas - so cute!

Here we took the skytram from one end of the park to the other, Jack just LOVED it!

We were pretty high up too.

Smiles for the camera.

1 Comment:

  1. The Hunnicutts said...
    Looks like you guys had a blast. Isn't the SD ZOO the best?

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