It's a Boy!

I can't believe it! I did have a little hunch that we were going to have another boy, but just thought maybe I would be wrong, and it would be girl. But God definitely has a plan for my life raising 3 boys and a husband!
We are really excited and happy. Andrew is thrilled and of course Jack is clueless! But it will be great for Jack to have a baby brother who will only be a year and half younger than him. Hopefully they will be best buds.
This time around Jared and I actually agreed on a name before we found out… Henry. And we plan on calling him Hank. I am not a big fan of nicknames, but I just love the name Hank. I think it will fit him quite well ;)


  1. Melissa said...
    CONGRATS!! I love his name!
    MLT said...

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