Jared turns the BIG 3-0!!!!

This past weekend we celebrated Jared's 30th birthday party. We worried at first with the weather, but ended up being a great late afternoon and evening.
We held the party in our backyard with the new deck (pics to come soon) that Jared built with the help from his good friend Joe.

Overall - the party was a success! And I want to say many THANKS to everyone who helped out that day. I would not have been able to do it without you - Love you much XOXO!

Here are some great pics from that day - Jared had a blast!

The kiddies playing in Jack's water table. It was so fun to get them all together.

Sarah, Amy and Jenni

Jared and Craig

Erin, Carin, Cole (not a happy camper at the moment) and Jody

Jessica and Kurt

Brad and Kathy relaxing by the fire

Kevin and Diana

Dustin and Jared

Bruce, Kelli and Joe

Jared smokin his cigar!

Andrew gave Jared his present that him and Grandma picked out. Jared was shocked when I told him we can hang it in the living room.

Jody and me

And nothing like finishing the night with a glass of Don Julio Tequila!



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